Saturday, May 16, 2020

There are many rules around the world. For instance,...

There are many rules around the world. For instance, children under the age of 20 cannot drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes in Japan. When it comes to driving, children are forbidden to drive a car. These actions forbid children under the law. Young people are not allowed to behave like adults because children’ s brains have not yet developed enough compared to adults. How about the restriction of entertainment, such as movies. In Japan, children under the age of 18 are prohibited from watching pornographic films and violence films at a movie theater because it is considered that watching these images influences childrens brains. However, the situation of violent video games are completely different because the age does not matter at all.†¦show more content†¦Based on these factors, there should be a law prohibiting children under the age of 18 from playing violent video games. Children are addicted to violent video games, and children play them all the time, so it will have a great influence on their health. Unlike other usual games, violent video games have some unique characteristics. First, there is the excitement. Children always have to obey their parents;for example, parents tell them how long they study and when they go to bed. However, once children start playing games, they can take control of everything in the game. As a result, they can decide where to go and how many enemies they want to kill. Unlike R rated-films, children actually take on a main character in a game, not just watching movies,so the unrealistic ability to control the game world makes children get excited. In addition to this characteristic, most of all violent video games have no ends. The most addicted games have no exact goals in games, this makes children play them eternally. Thus, they will never be bored with the games,and naturally enough , they enjoy playing them all the time. As a result of children’s game addictions, children tend to be in a unhealth condition. For example, children have a problem with their eyesight. Since children’s eyes are very sensitive, playing too much games makes their eyes excessively dry. Also, lake of sleep is another big problem. Because of long hours of playing games, children do notShow MoreRelatedVitasoy – Sparkling Soy Milk3500 Words   |  14 Pageshe began to sell his Soya bean milk from delivery in fresh to customers’ homes on bicycle, expanded his business to retail outlets after the World War. Nowadays, VITASOY group’s products sell in over 40 markets around the world and become the international organization which is standards in quality and innovative products. Vitasoy’s key product is soybean drink and tofu, which is nutritious and high-protein healthy for people. 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