Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Macromolecules and Enzymes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Macromolecules and Enzymes - Essay Example Effect of different physical parameters including temperature, enzyme concentration and pH was determined for the enzyme tyrosinase. Phenylthiourea, an inhibitor was also used to study its effect on the eznyme. Every living thing on earth is made of carbon, and each compound containing carbon is known as organic compound. Four kinds of major organic compounds are known carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Proteins are organic compounds made up of amino acids joined by peptide bonds between the amino and the carboxyl group of the adjacent amino acids. The proteins can be classified according to their structure; the linear chain of amino acid is called the primary amino acid. In secondary structure there occurs a regular repeating structure that is stabilized by hydrogen bonds. In tertiary structure the stabilization occurs by salt bridges, disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds. Protein subunits combine together to form the quaternary structure. Enzymes are also an organic compound, basically a protein. â€Å"All enzymes are proteins, but all proteins are enzymes†. Enzymes are biocatalyst that speed up the rate of the reaction but do not take part in the reaction. Enzymes have active site, basically a group of amino acids that binds with the substrate, which further carry out the reaction to give a specific product. Enzymes are known for their specificity for substrates, although not all enzymes are specific. The rate of the reaction governed by enzymes is increased when the optimal conditions like temperature, pH, and substrates concentration are provided for the reaction. Two theories are known for the action of enzymes on substrates. 1. The lock and Key Mechanism and, 2) Induced fit theory. Enzymes are also inhibited by inhibitors, which can be substrate analog or any other compound that binds to the enzyme such a manner that the enzymes is unable to function. Inhibitors can be of two kinds, competitive, uncompetitive and non-competitive.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Differences between online and traditional marketing Research Paper

Differences between online and traditional marketing - Research Paper Example Although it is referred to as traditional, it is still commonly used by both the local and international businesses in order to pass a message to the customers. Some of the common traditional marketing strategies include use of radio, newspapers, magazines, television, etc. Other common methods that are still used include direct mail and referral (Singh, 2010). However, this form of advertising is being replaced by the online marketing. This paper will therefore discuss the major differences between online and traditional marketing. Online marketing can be able to reach a large geographical location. With the penetration of the internet in the global market, companies can be able to reach customers who are located in different parts of the world using an online platform. For instance, social media can reach customers all over the world irrespective of their geographical location. However, this is not the case with traditional marketing. Traditional marketing can only be able to reach customers who are located in areas that are covered with the media used. For instance, when a marketer uses a local media, either print or audio, the message can only reach the customers who are located in this geographical location (Singh, 2010). As a result, traditional marketing is more limited in comparison with online marketing. Online marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing. The cost of using internet has reduced tremendously over the years. This has resulted from increased levels of competition among the internet providers. Furthermore, with the current technological changes, more people have been able to get access to gadgets such as smart phones, tablets, and ipads which has made it easy for them to get access to the internet. As a result, many people can now get information concerning the existence of a certain product or service in the market at ease. The cost of using the online platform to pass the message to the customers is very low. For